Module Gallery

Photo Gallery
Upload your own photos with Title, zoom effect for larger picture. Social netowrk sharing plugin.

Video Gallery
Embed your YouTube videos with Title, zoom effect for video play. Social netowrk sharing plugin.

Photo Album Gallery
Upload your own photos with album wise lik Family, Business, Wedding etc.

News & Events
Update organization's latest News and Events with detailed information.

Facebook Like Box
Create brand reputation using facebook like box for your website.

Twitter Profile
Embed your Tweet profile which will automatically fetch latest tweets from your account.

Google Analytics
Easily track your visitors and generate various kinda reports using Google Analytic.

Google Adsense
Generate revenue from your website using Google Adsense and make profitable business website.

Google Map
Easily display your business location using Google Map.

Flash Banner
This is the time to show something dynamic, using our Flash Banner you can display various images with information.

Enquiry Form
Easily collect visitors enquiries on E-mail, easily change recieving E-mail ID.

Google Search
Searching is not that big task, use our Google Search module for searching anything from your website only.

Apps Gallery

Event Manager
Create your Event like Birthday, Anniversary and set reminder also.

Contact List Manager
Manage all your contact data in single platform.

Paypal Payment Gateway
Easily collect payment from your client using PayPal Payment Gateway.

Product Master
You can manage various products with categories and you can sell them also.